Friday, August 20, 2010

How To: Butcher Block Oiling

Hello again from The Butcher Block Top~

As a Manufacturer of Fine Handrcrafted Butcher Block we get asked a ton of maintenance questions regarding the treatment of end-grain and edge-grain butcher blocks so we decided to post some tips here.

If you own a butcher block cutting board or countertop then you know first hand how important maintaining the proper moisture levels can be in protecting your hardwood cutting boards and blocks.

One of the first recomendations we have is environmental control. Hardwoods are susceptible to temperature so we must ensure our Butcher block is kept and used in a controlled environment at all times as excessive or rapid temperature changes can cause a number of problems for those who do not heed the warning. Cracking and or splitting is just the beginning to your hardwoods demise muh as a fallen tree drys out and begins to decay in the forest.

With that being said we recommend you store your Butcher Block in a controlled environment between 72-78 degrees. This is prefered, not to cold and not too hot. For those of you who like your temps a little hotter or colder just remember that extra dillegence in oiling is required to maintain proper moisture in your blocks, so keep them well oiled at all times.

For initial Oiling or after washing of Your Butcher Block, just about any food grade mineral oil is perfect. Be frugal with it allowing the Block to take in as much oil as possible. You know your done filling up your block when the oil no longer sinks into the wood and just sits on top. When you hit this stage wipe off the access oil. One tip after filling up your blocks with mineral oil is to use a butcher block conditioner to help seal it up and keep the oil from drying right back out. Also conditioners add the benefit of natural waxes which help to repel water by beading up keeping the oil in and the moisture out.

Although there are a number of mineral oils and conditioners on the market here are a few we really like to use and are available at our online store of course.

Mineral oil:

Tree Spirit Mineral Oil - Typically sold in 12 oz. bottles and can be found across the web fairly easily and Yes we sell it too.

STE Oil Mineral Oil - Typically sold in the Gallon(s) and can be found at the manufactures site and ordered directly. This is a good deal if you have a big top that will need a lot more oil than a 12 oz. bottle is gonna give.


Tree Spirit All Natural Wood and & Bamboo Oil w/Lemon - Typically found in 12oz bottles and is one of our personal favorites as it leaves your boards and blocks with a delightful Lemon Fresh scent.

Howard Butcher Block Conditioner - Also found in 12oz bottles and is readily available across the web.

Beekeepers Gold - Sold in tubs and is a good wax for boards that are not used often.

When in doubt, oil and re-condition your boards frequently.

To avoid excessive build up of waxes from conditioners use a butcher block scraper to clean off as much of the old wax as possible or sand down your blocks with 220 grit sand paper once a month

Visit Our Online Store Here:  The Butcher Block Top

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